In order for your parquet in a residential or commercial space to look perfect, you should make plans before installing the covering. Namely, high-quality subfloor preparation will provide you with maximum durability, a beautiful aesthetic experience and comfort in the space.
The subfloor that is intended to be installed on a matchboarding or parquet in a new building is usually concrete. The contractor’s tolerance for concrete and cement screeds is measured in centimeters, while wooden floor coverings require subfloor flatness with millimeter precision, so that the parquet or solid floor looks perfect. This can be achieved with a leveling compound. The leveling compound can be used to create gentler required slopes, to level unevenness in the subfloor, to fill damage during renovations and to achieve a high-quality layer that will enable a high-quality subfloor for parquet or matchboarding.
An ideally flat subfloor is achieved with leveling masses.
The maximum thickness of the layer that can be performed in one working step, even up to 30 mm
The final strength they achieve (depending on the requirements in the space and the way of transferring the load with the floor covering, i.e. its flexibility); classes C20, C 25, C 30, C 40, C50
All leveling compounds are intended for internal use (there are also compounds specifically intended for external use), suitable for use in underfloor heating as well.
Parquet/ PVC and Rubber coverings / Epoxy floors with lower loads – Leveling compound Objekt Plus OS 50 (C 35, up to a layer thickness of 10 mm)
Loads expected in office, public and exhibition spaces, where there is no passage of heavy vehicles, it is enough to opt for Leveling Mass Objekt Plus OS 50 class C 35, which can be poured in a layer of up to 10 mm. These types of subfloors are more flexible than ceramic subfloors, which affects the way the load is transferred and therefore requires a subfloor with these characteristics.
Concrete or any type of subfloor to be leveled should be well prepared. Preparation includes thorough cleaning of the subfloor, removal of all types of dirt and dusting. A suitable primer is applied to such prepared subfloor, enabling the adhesion of the Leveling Compound to the subfloor. Depending on the type of subfloor, we recommend a suitable primer – for absorbent subfloors – Murexin Primer LF 1 (cement screed, raw concrete or plaster materials); for non-absorbent subfloors – Primer D4 (for renovation on non-absorbent subfloors, varnished parquets, old terrazzo floors, ceramic tiles, stone slabs); for anhydrite screeds – Precoat PU 5 (highly absorbent subfloors).
All types of leveling compounds are applied to the desired thickness and distributed evenly. Leveling compounds are often called self-leveling compounds because of their thin consistency (almost liquid) and are very easy to apply. The mixed mass is poured and distributed with a toothed trowel of appropriate characteristics. After the completion of one layer, if it is necessary to do the next layer, this is approached as soon as the previous layer becomes passable (in about 1-2 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer). If it is impossible to comply with this work dynamic at longer intervals, it is necessary to apply the Primer LF 1.
The price of parquet and matchboarding is not so low that you should ignore the importance of the subfloor on which you install this type of flooring for your home.