There are about two hundred species of Quercus. The most famous is the oak, which is traditionally used as a wood of great strength, excellent characteristics, unique texture and color.
In addition to being used in the production of furniture, carpentry and wooden objects, it is the basic material for the production of the highest quality wooden floors.
Oak parquet and oak hardwood flooring are certainly the most popular and widespread. The hardness of oak is only below that of foreign types of Ipe and Cumaru and above or the same hardness as Zebrano, Kempas, Merbau, Eucalyptus, Bamboo, Mahogany, measured by the Brinell method. Thermotreating makes oak parquet even harder. We can influence its color with other natural pigmented oils.
Oak wood is used to produce:
• Oak lam parquet
• Classic oak parquet
• Oak hardwood flooring (plank/strip flooring), matchboarding
• Oak parquet of large dimensions
• Oak multi-layer parquet
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